The night before, during our last night in Spain Elissa, Julie and I found a Salsa Club downtown and we attempted to Salsa Dance. We went out for Tapas before we wandered the town in search of fun and found some of the kids from the ship in the plaza downtown. We all started walking together and we found the salsa place. It was a lot of fun and we ended up running into a lot of our friends from the ship. It is funny how we see each other all around town, its almost as if we are the only people there sometimes.
Yesterday we wandered around town a little bit more and went to the otudoor market. It was so busy but it was really cool. people were selling fish and fresh fruits and vegetables- it was just like from a movie. Then we were trying to find the beach and we walked all around town in the general direction where we knew that it was. Finally we found the ocean and then followed the path around the perimeter of the town basically until we found the beach. It was an adventure and probably took three times as long as it should have- oh well its the experience that counts! The beach (James Bond Beach, as we called it) was packed- it was over 90 degrees. The beach was very dirty (and its a topless beach- it was the first beach in Spain to allow women to wear bikinis- i guess they are more lenient now). We went into the water but the water and sand were pretty gross so we didnt stay in too long. We found more SAS kids and sat with them for a wihle before heading back to the ship. Again, we seemed to have taken the long way but at least we knew where we were going that way. We passed a botanical garden and we saw homeless kittens sitting under the shade of a tree. It was a very nice but hot and long walk back.We left port around 11pm last night and headed for the Strait of Gibraltar.
Today was bunkered in the Strait of Gibraltar to fuel up. The Strait of Gibraltar is the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and is surrounded by Spain and Morocco. We left port around 4pm and now we are on our way to Italy.
Tonight we had Congresswomen Loretta Sanchez join us for our trip to Italy. She spoke to all the students in the Union tonight and as an RA I introduced her and read her biography to the students and faculty. She was a very eloquent speaker and spoke to us about real issues such as Iraq, terrorism, 9/11, and the economy. She has lived in Italy and will be speaking at more seminars until we reach Italy.
Right now we are all studying for midterms that we have on Tuesday and we also have papers due then as well. It is very stressful because we don’t have time for everything and we have class every day we are at sea so there is no time to relax after a port- especially with midterms. After Italy we only have 1 day between ports until we are going to Morocco. There are 5 days at sea between Egypt and Morocco- they did give us a day off during that time. After we leave Morocco we have 9 days back across the ocean to Norfolk where we will have 4 days of classes, a study day and 2 days of exams plus a few days of final activities.